Although having to create a home inventory list of your possessions and items is not always necessary, it could be a great idea for your home owner’s insurance.
Look around the room you’re in right now. Chances are there are a lot of possessions that you overlook everyday due to familiarity. Take a mental note right now of the things you’d want to replace if there was ever a theft, vandalism, or accident.
If you’re looking, you’re finding there are a lot of things you wouldn’t really miss, but also finding things you’d forgotten about that you would be devastated to lose.
It’s easy to create a home inventory.
First, you need to make a list.
What possessions would you want to replace? Write them down.
Next, take photos of what’s on the list.
You can take digital photographs or traditional photos.
And finally, store the list and photos.
If using traditional paper lists and pictures, make sure that you’re storing them in a safe place and make copies for your lawyer. If you’re using digital copies, you can store them online; this will also make it easier to send to your attorney and family.
Think small!
Go room by room; List each item individually and photograph each item both separately and in the context of the room.
Here’s an idea to keep things going smoothly and efficiently. Each time you add an item to your list, use a sticky note to label that item as you photograph it. Now your photographs will match your list perfectly and your possessions will be much easier to identify.
Don’t forget to keep this inventory list in a safe place with limited access. The only people you should share your list with is your emergency contacts, lawyer, and your executor of estate.
Every few years, or whenever you move, be sure to go through your inventory list and see if there are things to add or subtract. This is an easy way to keep things up to date and make sure you’re covered.
Here at Infuse Insurance, we work hard to make sure you have the coverage and security you and your family deserve. Contact us today if you have any questions about coverage and let us know how we can help. We look forward to serving you in West Virginia and Virginia.